Mempool Guru

An open public service that persists Ethereum mempool data for research.

Why collecting mempool data?

Mempool data can provide us a different perspective than what we observe on-chain. For instance, it allows us to better understand how transactions are selected and ordered, while on-chain data only shows the final results. The former is useful to understand fee markets (e.g., EIP-1559), while the latter is directly related to Miners/Maximal extracted values (MEV), an important concern of the community.

On the other hand, mempool data is ephemeral, and it vanishes if not captured and there are no easy ways to retroactively access it.

Mempool Guru is a public service system that collects, persists, and analyzes the Ethereum mempool data for research.

Insights from the guru

Mempool Guru data is used in a number of ongoing research projects. E.g., a CCS'22 paper titled Empirical Analysis of EIP-1559: Transaction Fees, Waiting Time, and Consensus Security by Liu et al. extracts insights on transaction waiting time from Mempool Guru data.

In addition to supporting in-depth research, this website also displays interesting real-time insights. For example,

More coming soon, and we welcome your ideas!

Work with us!

Currently, we collect mempool data from 7 full nodes across the globe (marked on the map below), as well as from RPC services such as Infura and QuickNode. The more nodes the merrier! If you want to connect your full nodes to Mempool Guru, we look forward to that.

If you want to use the data for your research, feel free to reach out at [email protected]!

This project is in part supported by an Ethereum Foundation Grant.